Tax law is complex and ever-changing. Navigating through the various rules, exemptions, deductions, and reliefs can be challenging without specialist knowledge. Working with the Tax Consulting by TaxAssist team will help ensure you minimise your tax liability by identifying all eligible deductions and reliefs. We have a comprehensive understanding of tax legislation and can identify opportunities for tax savings, analyse your financial situation, and explore deductions and reliefs specific to your circumstances. This ensures that you take full advantage of all available tax breaks.

Working with our team of experts provides peace of mind, knowing that your tax affairs are handled by a professional and your position is optimised to minimise your tax liability.

Income tax including high net worth advisory and compliance

Our experts provide specialist advice and compliance services for high-net-worth individuals, helping you to navigate complex income tax legislation, optimise tax strategies, and ensure accurate reporting.

Non-domicile and residence reviews

We can support you with international tax considerations and can conduct non-domicile and residence reviews, helping you to understand your tax status, residency requirements, and potential tax planning opportunities including use of the remittance basis.

Worldwide Disclosure Facility

We can help you to make disclosures under the Worldwide Disclosure Facility (WDF), helping you to ensure your offshore tax affairs comply with any relevant tax legislation.

Let Property Campaign

Our specialist tax advisers can assist you with the Let Property Campaign, guiding you through the disclosure process and helping you rectify any tax irregularities related to your rental properties, ensuring compliance with HMRC requirements.

Complex capital gains tax

Our team is well versed in handling intricate capital gains tax, taking into account various factors such as asset valuation, exemptions, reliefs, and applicable tax rates, ensuring accurate and compliant calculations.

60-day in-year capital gains tax returns for residential property sales

We will support you in meeting the strict deadlines for submitting in-year capital gains tax returns within 60 days of selling residential properties, ensuring accurate reporting and compliance with tax obligations.

Review of property ownership structures

Our tax specialists can review and analyse property ownership structures to optimise tax efficiency, providing recommendations on ownership arrangements and potential tax-saving opportunities.

Family investment companies

Our team of experts can help you establish family investment companies, providing advice on the structure, tax implications, and compliance requirements of such entities, enabling wealth management and tax planning for the family.

Succession planning - individuals and companies

Our team can help individuals and businesses develop effective succession plans, ensuring a smooth transition of assets or ownership, while considering tax implications and implementing strategies to minimise tax burdens.

Research and development tax relief claims (R&D)

We can help you identify eligible R&D activities and prepare documentation to enable the company to maximise the available tax relief. With the heightened interest from HMRC in the accuracy of claims we can help ensure your project fulfils all the necessary criteria.